Everywhere we look there is beauty

Studio 213, Rice Street Library, McDonough Rec & City Hall / circa 2022

Everywhere there is beauty at the McDonough Homes.  It is a safe and friendly community you can find right here in the north end neighborhood of Saint Paul.  At McDonough, we are able to play and have fun with friends and family.  We grow plants and vegetables which brings us great joy.  We daydream about our futures and how we will eventually become the caretakers of this place.We do all this together - the individuals and families who come to live here from many different places, becoming friends and even family.  When we set out to photograph our community, we wanted to show the world what we see and experience everyday - the epic beauty that is the McDonough Homes. —curator Fetehi Mohammed

Presenting Artist

Fetehi Mohammed, Sabrine Mohammed, Maryan Saleh, Llamya Andrews, Matty Her, Hawa Abdi, Jibril Mohammed, Habdi Hassan, Noordin Hussein, Kimmy Dumas, Ne’Amya Harris-Randle, Ryan Dumas