Dhoua Vue
supported by parents
Jim Vue & Sai Thao
My mother tells me that I am made of water.
Now that I am 11 years old, I have learned that water is never the same.
Before, I used to like swimming in pools, but now I like to swim in lakes and rivers.
Sometimes I like to swim in waterfalls too. This is how I know that water is different. I like it when the water splatters.
Sometime it’s cold and sometimes it’s hot. I like to take hot showers. When I am in water I think about the rain.
The rain brings memories and makes them clearer for me to remember. Each drop of water is a hope, love and fun.
If I am water, then I want to create rainbows for my friends and family to love.
photographs by Lee Elee Vue / concept and writing by Dhoua Vue
Water pOrtraits
I am the girl in the water. When I am in the water, I remember my sister. We were very close growing up. She was my very best friend and we learned about the world together. When she drowned, I had no idea death meant gone forever. Many things started to changed after that and nothing was ever the same again.
People said their good byes and I never said mine. When I am in the water, I can feel my sister all around me like a warm lake. When I come out of water, I feel the cold drift and I am left with wondering what will come without my sister. I am the girl in the water.
I am WAter
photographed by Sai Thao / writing and concept by Dhoua Vue
We come with water. We live with water. That makes me water. I am water. I am a girl in the water.