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3rd Quarter Board Meeting

In Progress will be holding its 3rd Quarter Board Meeting Monday October 7th via zoom. The meeting will be virtual and will cover much of the internal oversight that our board members have embraced regarding the functionality and form of our organization.

Our board of 10 officially meets 4 times a year, but we often hold special sessions, committee activities and visits with funders and community leaders. Our board is amazing. It is representative of our partner communities and artistic disciplines. Our board is cooperative and some of our greatest advocates of storytelling.

Though we don’t typically entertain guests during our meetings, we always post our minutes. Our agenda is posted below and If you would like to read up on past minutes you can review them by CLICKING HERE!


Executive Report VOTING ITEM*

Approval of 2nd Quarter Minutes

Finance Report VOTING ITEMS

YTD Balance Sheet

YTD Profit Loss

YTD Class Summary


2024  Development Plan Update

Officer Elections - Board Renewals (this document is still in development) 

Programs Updates