podcaster. poet
KuGay (KhuGhay) is blessed, a refugee, a youth worker, a community organizer, and an activist. KuGay is an inspiring writer, poet, and podcast enthusiast. Since graduating from Bethel University with a degree in social work, KuGay has committed her time to youth work, community engagement, and social justice advancement. She likes to do outdoor activities, watch drama/movies/documentaries, and spend time with family and friends in her free time. Her current writing pieces on “Ta Blut! Thank you!”, “Shared Instead,” and “Kawthoolei” are her start-up poems and spoken words that inspire her to pursue her passion in terms of arts. She hopes her work inspires those who share parts of her own identity and struggles.
KuGay is involved with IP through AYO (Asian Youth Outreach) connection with Hlee Lee-Kron. AYO is an at-risk youth program with fiscal sponsorship through KOM (Karen Organization of Minnesota) that provides a safe space, opportunities, training, programming, and mentorship for At-Risk Asian Youth. She hopes to gain wisdom and knowledge to be an all-rounded podcaster. In addition, she plans to gain skills, experience, and leadership skills to pass on to passionate youth and young adults through AYO.
KuGay was a vocalist for the Nelson dorm worship team at Bethel University. She did advocacy work through spoken words at the Black & Yellow: Asian Solidarity event. She was involved in the Multi-Ethnic Protest in DC and performed spoken word through live performance to tell the stories of the reality of what is happening in Burma/Myanmar. She is empowered to do more.
Currently, she is working on spoken word, poems, and photography. She wants to creatively advance her passion for the spoken word, poetry, and photography.
Galaxy Note
Portfolio samples
I am KuGay, a child of God, Karen (K’Nyaw), a refugee, a youth worker, and an activist.
Ta Blut! Thank you!
Thank you Lord!
Ta Blut for allowing me the space to share.
Thank you for your willingness to share your pain, though I know it holds millions of miles of strength to do so.
Ta Blut for standing up for justice.
Thank you for opening your heart to love instead of hate.
Ta Blut for simply showing up.
Thank you for this time of unity.
How is discipline being taught?
What responsibilities and roles are being taught?
How is safety and protection being taught?
How is compassion being taught?
In the blink of an eye, Daunte Wright and Adam Toledo were taken from this world.
No MORE ignorance and fake sympathy - our communities are in pain, we are tired of building bridges, of making our pain palatable to you.
No MORE ohhh it must have been a hard decision to hold a gun - why are you sympathizing with the police, they killed our Black brothers and sisters, period!
No MORE hummm... I have no choice... - criminalizing our vulnerable communities - you had a choice, you chose to kill.
The lost lives, violence, abuse, and fights we continue to hear and see are saddening, distressing, frustrating, and exhausting.
I grew up hearing and witnessing various traumatizing experiences between Black and Asian communities. I was hurt by a fellow student who identified as Black. I have moved on and forgiven, but that pain that was caused is still there. However, that does not make me hate the entire Black community. I have friends, professors, mentors, and soul sisters who identify as Black.
I'm seeing Asians, especially some Karen individuals and groups, have negative connotations against Black communities because of their personal experience. However, I humbly ask, open your heart to love.
We need to stop BLAMING and comparing our pain, instead let us hold each other. I'm speaking especially to youth and young adults who have hate and negative thoughts against each other's race.
PAUSE (I would like to end with this poem)
Share Instead
Go back to your country, she said...
I thought... Where?
Pain and healing, we compare...
Listening and welcoming spaces
Beauty and standard, we compare...
Black and Yellow made perfect in the image of God
Discrimination to oppression... we compare...
Validation to solidarity to healing TOGETHER
I cannot fully grasp and understand your pain and emotions, though I know the pain of losing, the unending oppression, and the plea for justice. My prayers and thoughts are with you.
Ta Blut and Thank you!
Editor: Sarah Herold & Xe Chang
All we ever needed
A place to rest our body
A roof to shelter us
A land for harvesting to fill the needs of our body
A river to provide us life
Until we needed
A gun to defend ourselves from the devils
A voice to speak the unspoken and the truth
A physical effort to make movement into action
A wisdom and knowledge to pave a way to righteous path
Until we MOVE
The soldiers in the full armor of God stands beside the Angels of the Almighty King
The voices that travels millions of miles for the great work of unity
The hands and feets being witness, The work of the Lord has shown
The nations come, Your Will Be done