Ywa Hso
Ywa Hso is 14 years old and was born in the Thailand Refugee Camp “Maelaoo” at the age of 7 Ywa and her family moved to Saint Paul, MN where she currently goes to Minnesota Math & Science Academy “MMSA”. She comes from a family of 12 siblings including her self. She loves drawing and sketching. she also loves working on putting together puzzles. She recently has picked up photography as she loves to tell stories through her images. She hopes that working with Inprogress will help her get better at capturing photos. Ywa really wants to capture nature and photos of society
In Karen story photography class I learned about the parts of camera and it’s function. Another thing I learned about taking a photo is you have to use the distance shot such as far or close shot and angles of the photo on weather if it’s high or low. Lastly I think the most important thing I learned is that you can tell a story through a photo which i think is the most important purpose of this class.
Basic video camera production;
portraiture photography
basic software skills