Paw Kyi Lay htoo
Paw Kyi Lay Htoo known to friends as Paw, she was born in Myanmar, she moved to a refugee camp with family when she was 5 years old due to the war between her people and the government. She moved to the United States when she was 12 years old. Her family arrived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where her stay was very short, her family then moved to Saint Paul, MN where she has made it her home. She currently goes to Saint Paul College where she is studying to be a Registered Nurse. She was recently introduced to Inprogress through her older brother Kri who is also an InProgress Artist. Paw has established a love for photography where she quickly took to portraiture and learning photoshop where she has created a small series of work using photo manipulation. Paw’s goal is to be able to make more art work for the community where she can tell beautiful and meaningful stories through her images.
As part of my mentorship I learned how to use a camera and got to know of how each part works. I learned the differences shot of photos when using angles and position when you are trying to take a good picture. We need to use body gestures and movements to create a meaningful picture and our expression have to be natural. We need to eliminate space and focus on our main subject . We are learning how to tell a story through a photo. I also learned how to manipulate a picture in photoshop.
Basic DSLR camera operation;
portraiture photography
basic software skills