chris juhn
photographer . journalist
Chris is a freelance photographer based out of the Twin Cities who specializes in sports photography and photojournalism. He currently attends Century College in White Bear Lake, MN where he studies photography. Currently, Chris freelances for Minnesota Public Radio, the Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder. and Sport Ngin. His long-term goals are to do photography projects locally, nationally, and internationally, covering issues around the globe as well as stories. This is mage series was taken in Mexico City in September of 2018. They were taken in psychiatric institutions throughout and on the outskirts of the city while documenting a human rights investigation with Disability Rights International. The focus of the documentation was to visually show what many peoples’ lives look like with disabilities in a place void of human rights for people with disabilities. Throughout the journey we visited 5 psychiatric institutions as well as a group full of self-advocates called Colective Chucan. The group consists of people with disabilities including many who were institutionalized and are currently working towards bettering the conditions for people with disabilities in Mexico. Along with that documentation we went to talk to a woman with two autistic sons who got there kids in the public school system. Many people wanted her to institutionalize her children. One of the more inspiring stories was of a woman who was told she needed to be sterilized. She fought for her reproductive rights and won. When she ended up getting pregnant they wanted her to get an abortion. She was able to fight an Edwin but then when the child was born they wanted her to give up the child for adoption. She is now the proud mother of her child. Some of the other stories that were more heartbreaking were stories of forced shock therapy, lobotomies, and torture that exists in Mexico’s system. You can find out more about Disability Rights International and the work they do at
professional DSLR photography
Adobe Editing Software
journalist / writer