Elias Morgan
photographer / bead artist / visual artist
Boozhoo! Biiwaabik Gizhig Indishinikaaz. Maang Indoodem. Gaazaagaskwaajimekaag Indonjibaa.
Hello! My name is Iron Day or Elias Morgan, and my pronouns are He/him. I belong to the loon clan and I grew up and live on the Leech Lake Reservation. I am transgender Female to Male and I identify as a boy. I am 16 years old and attend Bug O Nay Ge Shig School and take classes at Leech Lake Tribal College. I hope to graduate high school next year and pursue my Liberal Education or Indigenous science degree at LLTC.
My hobbies include creating art in photography, sketching and beadwork. I haven't had much time to explore my crafts, but this summer will give me the opportunity to do that. I also like creative writing and reading about other people's stories. I love working with florals, dentalium shells, quills and appliques. I like to get inspired by things in nature when I create a piece.
I grew up watching my mother make beautiful beadwork, my Grandma start sewing Ribbon skirts and other creations and my aunt start making beadwork too. We have a little business going and we set up at Pow Wows to sell our beadwork. I remember when my mom made my first fancy shawl regalia, and I would dance so hard at Pow Wows my moccasins would need to be patched up all the time.
I remember when COVID hit. Things got confusing personally and we couldn't go anywhere for 2 years. I found myself during this time and although I identify differently now, I wish to fall in love with dancing fancy shawl and creating art again as it helps me keep in touch with my Ojibwe Culture.
I hope to capture and cultivate the beauty and flaws of people and nature through my work by sharing my own experiences and shedding light on issues people might not know about and educate them on issues going on in our communities.
email: info@in-progress.org
work samples
hand crafted earrings