random acts
in progress
213 Front Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55117
paving the way for new voices . . . .
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in progress
random acts
Community partner User Agreement - Studio 213
PLEASE complete this form indicating you understand our rules and agree to our terms
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Studio access is a privilege given to many In Progress community members We expect artists to cooperate with us and each other to maintain the security of the studio as follows: 1. I will not share my access code with ANYONE. 2. I will not allow individuals or groups into any rooms or spaces that they are not authorized to access. 3. I will make sure doors are locked upon entering and exiting the studio.
I agree
In Progress does not have janitors or cleaning staff. All artists have a responsibility to cooperate and keep the studio clean. Someone else making a mess may affect your time in the studio, and you making a mess could affect someone else's time. If artists have to start cleaning up after each other, we may revoke studio access or shut down the studio for cleaning. Please indicate by checking the boxes below that you understand and agree to comply by the following rules: 1. I will use the online reservation system to check availability and request space. 2. I understand that I am responsible for the actions of my guests that I invite into the studio. 3. I will NOT take any property off premises from without express permission from IP executive director or EQ Team staff. 4. I will NOT (nor will any of my guests) enter the studio under the influence. 5. I will NOT (nor will any of my guests) bring any drugs or alcohol on the premises. 6. I will NOT (nor will my guests) bring any weapons on the premises. 7. I will NOT (nor will my guests) use any tobacco or vape products on our premises - this includes inside and outside the building. 8. I will NOT remain in the studio past midnight, unless I have permission from the executive director. 9. I will report immediately to staff any problems or concerns encountered during studio use.
I agree
In Progress does not have janitors or cleaning staff. All artists have a responsibility to cooperate and keep the studio clean. Someone else making a mess may affect your time in the studio, and you making a mess could affect someone else's time. If artists have to start cleaning up after each other, we may revoke studio access or shut down the studio for cleaning. Please indicate by checking the boxes below that you understand and agree to comply by the following rules: 1. I will always clean up after myself and my guests. 2. I understand that I have a responsibility to report any messes I find and clean up. 3. I understand that eating food is NOT allowed in the Music Studio or Artists Quarters. 4. I understand that non-compiiance to these rules will result in lost privileges.
I agree
In Progress Studio 213 is a community space and we rely on each other to help maintain the space. Please use the dropdown menu below to agree that you acknowledge community partner responsibilities when in the studio: 1. Community Partner access comes with the responsibility of keeping myself and other community members safe. 2. Community Partner access comes with the responsibility to taking out the garbage. 3. I understand and accept that I will lose access privileges if I do not comply to the simple and direct rules outlined within this Community Partner Agreement
I agree
Thank you!