Mary Richardson

photographer / activist

photographer / activist


Mary Richardson is a documentary photographer living in the Twin Cities.  She is Native and Caucasian, a lesbian, and a female working in tech.   Mary became serious about photography when she saw that she could use her photos to teach others about the issues that sparked the Black Lives Matter protests.    

Mary is a member of The Million Artist Movement,  a group of artists and activists working towards Black liberation using art to engage the public.  She photograph the protests in an effort to document what it feels like to be a part of this movement.  Her goal is to  show the solidarity, determination and jubilation inside the activist community.    


  • documentary photographer

  • IT / computer programming

  • community organizer

  • teaching artist  


portfolio samples

I have spent a lot of time in my life thinking about where I fit in.  But when I step into the Black Lives Matter protest circle, there is no doubt that I belong.  Just showing up means that I agree with everyone there on a fundamental tenet:  Black lives matter. Period.