In Progress Vincent Lu has pulled together 10 introductory lessons for aspiring sound engineers. He reviewed several sites, and determined the following lessons would ground most of our artists in some clear foundations in crafting new sounds in the digital era.

Sound Engineering must learns for our music studio artists. Lessons reviewed and selected by IP artist Vincent Lu


LESSON 1: The Science of Engineering Sound

The second half of the video describes different microphones. I would advice to save this half for another day.frequency

  • hz

  • amplitude

  • phase

  • harmonics

  • envelope

  • attack and decay

  • decibels

  • mono signal

  • stereo signal

  • stereo Image

  • panning

  • reason for EQ and compression plugins

The first half of the video explains the science behind how sound is measured, and how it gets translated into the software we use!

He goes over these very important concepts.

  • frequency

  • hz

  • amplitude

  • phase

  • harmonics

  • envelope

  • attack and decay

The second half of the video describes different microphones. I would advice to save this half for another day.

This video explains the basics of mixing

LESSON 3: Plugins Explained PART 1

 This video explains what EQ plugins do.

This video shows how to begin applying plugins in Logic Pro X.


This video explains how to use the EQ. It goes over in detail how you can shape a sound by affecting certain frequencies. This video is very good to get more of an idea of what EQ does.

This video shows this process specifically done with the Logic Pro X EQ’s


The Ultimate EQ Cheat Sheet for Every Common Instrument

This article explains the different tones you can get by eq. It explains how to EQ to get different tones in several instruments!

LESSON 6: Intro to Audio effects

 This video introduces Reverb and Delay

This video explains Audio Effects

LESSON 8: how to create a bus / aux track


Bussing is a technique you can use to apply audio effects! This video shows how to set up a bus

 This video explains:

  • why using a bus is important

  • how to access the mix window in logic pro x (@.35 seconds)

  • the terms: send, bus, aux

  • how to set up 

LESson 9: Plugins Explained: Reverb

This video shows how you can try different presets on reverb
It also shows how you can play with the preset

 This video shows 3 different ways how to use reverb in Logic Pro X!

Lesson10: Plugins Explained: automatioN

This video shows how you can change effects throughout the track:Skip to 5:55

This video shows how to use:

  • autowah (@5:55)

  • EQ automation (@7:45)

  • bitcrusher (@13:05)

  • chorus (@15:00

  • phaser. (@15:35)

Vincent Lu grew up in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. He learned early on how to play classical piano and then started Bboying. He joined the Bboy crew "The Loonies" in 2007 and has been dancing with them since.

At 19, he started studying the golden era hip hop, disco, rock, house music through collecting vinyl and cassette tapes. He then furthered his study of music and dance by taking a trip to New York City in 2013. He was hosted by a pioneer of many NYC street dances and received education for the cultures of house, hip hop, loft, and rock dance.

Vin began making beats in 2015 by sampling vinyl and cassette collection. A year later, he began performing at open mics. and led to his first show at Heavy Rotation with Ezi Beats. Vin has a talent for collaboration and has worked with many local artists including

VIn now specializes in sound engineering and has studied with !llmind. He now belong to 3 crews: The Loonies, Vyce Versa, and Butter Biscuit Beats.


  • Logic Pro X

  • Pro Tools

  • Akai MPC

  • Korg Volca Sample

  • Classical Piano

  • Analog keyboards

  • Hardware routing and maintenance 


