Kyira Hill

Kyira is a newly developing photographer and youth mentor.  She works every week at Studio 213 helping to maintain the studio, hang shows and teach others.


1. Considering all your experience with In Progress, what is one achievement that you personally are most proud of? Why is this achievement important to you? What does it represent?: Learning how to work iPhoto and photoshop. It was important to me because I am photographer and to be able to do photography you need to be able to work photoshop.

2. What did it take for us at In Progress to achieve this accomplishment? What strengths do we have that helped us succeed?: The trainings and anytime I needed help somebody was there to help me. The different programs and its not always just about working sometimes we have days off and movie nights.

3. What do you think makes In Progress unique? What 2-3 things are at our very core that make us stand out from other arts programs or youth development programs?: The people at In Progress have positive energy.

4. As you think about In Progress, what do you value most? What keeps you engaged here?: Photography keeps me engaged. It's a way to express yourself.

all thoughts presented on this page have been given with permission from the person interviewed.