Sai Thao

Sai Thao is a co-founder of In Progress.  She began making videos at the age of 14 and was the first In Progress artist to travel and teach others.  Sai Thao is now an accomplished filmmaker and parent and serves on the In Progress board of directors.


1. Considering all your experience with In Progress, what is one achievement that you personally are most proud of? Why is this achievement important to you? What does it represent?: I think when I set out to work for and be In Progress, there was no real goals that I had in mind to achieve, only dreams I hoped to reveal.  So I believe there haven't been any accomplishments on my part as of yet with my experience with In Progress (maybe I have been gone too long)  --  although, through the many wonderful and tearful years with In Progress, I have acquired many meaningful relationships with friends, artists and organizations. Relationships have always been important to me. It has helped connect me to something that was and is bigger than myself, and it gives purpose and value to the work that is done.

2. What did it take for us at In Progress to achieve this accomplishment? What strengths do we have that helped us succeed?: Having Kris as a friend, mentor, mother, guide, a person with a place and car, etc..., was a big factor in how we overcame and is still achieving as In Progress. She is a huge asset and strength in who we are and what we'll become as In Progress. Kris is one of the pillars of our foundation. There's been no one else to believe in who and what we are other than our Kris. Having big dreams and stories to tell is something also something that is huge, but not only that, having the motivations to chase our dreams and tools to express our voices have been helpful as well.

3. What do you think makes In Progress unique? What 2-3 things are at our very core that make us stand out from other arts programs or youth development programs?: What makes In Progress unique? I don't know....

4. As you think about In Progress, what do you value most? What keeps you engaged here?: What keeps me engaged are the relationships I have with In Progress and my continued need to express and articulate my dreams.