The Harvest
circa 2024
a northwest regional film documentary
The Harvest is a documentary about an annual beet harvest that has taken place annually since the early 1900s. The video presents a story of the sugar beet harvest, not from a land owner’s point of view, but from the view of people who have provided the labor force for more than five generations – primarily Latinx migrants and their descendants. The film presents the economic impact of the beet harvest, generational teachings, and insight into how the Latinx community finds commonality and a sense of place in the act of participating in the harvest.
Carmen Leal
José Oscar Leal
Diana Gonzalez
Production team
Rena Bouchard Zapata, Producer
Regina Zapata, Production Liaison
Roxanne Zapata, Talent Liaison
Robert Adam Torres, Cinematographer / Editor
Gilbert Hernandez, Cinematographer / Editor
Chistopher Espericueta, Cinematographer
Aladdin Bankhead, Editor
Support team
Bienvenida Matias, producing/production management advisor
Kristine Sorensen, producing/editing advisor
Xavier Tavera, script development/cinematography advisor
Sai Thao, cultural storytelling advisor
Kazua Melissa Vang, community engagement
The Harvest was originally completed in August 2023 with a second revision completed in 2024. If you would like to host a screening please send us an email by hitting the inquiry button at the bottom of this page.