digital archives

our history of work in digital form

In Progress deeply values the artwork created by the artists of In Progress. Some of our archives go back 30 years or more. Maintaining these archives are difficult, but we continue to strive to make sure that the photographs, music and video works created stay accessible over time. Check out some of our archives below. If you have a specific piece that you created with us and cannot find it, please send us an email at info@in-progress,org and we will help you with the search.


In Progress has been compiling photo and video.archives for many of the communities it has had long standing partnerships with. Those available for viewing are listed below:


In Progress has an expansive archive of photo documentation and photographic artwork that goes back to the early 1990. The work is archived at the link below:


In Progress uploads videos as they are completed to our vimeo site. We currently have more than 1380 videos uploaded with a few thousand more left to be digitized and uploaded to the site. You can look through what we have completed to date at the link below:

Podcast archives

In Progress artists have been producing audio interviews, reflections and stories you can listen to their stories on Transistor at the link below:


It’s always difficult to gather the music our artists produce. They have so much energy and ability and seem to always be moving to the next project. But what we have, we have made available at the link below:

Writing Archives

Many of our artists spend time reflecting on their roles as artists and message carriers. We have added some of their stories at the link below:

Additional Archives

Past Programming

In Progress will often offer unique programs and activities that have a limited life or reach a point of completion. Many of these activities have been instrumental in defining our work and guiding us forward. READ MORE.