The waterers
circa 2024
The Waterers is a community centered campaign dedicated to informing the public on watersheds and waterways through a collection of shared stories on our relationships with water. The project is embedded in the idea that knowledge and history flows from one generation to another like water flows through rivers, and skies and beneath the ground - to places that nourish growth and understanding.
Meet our waterers artists
click on any of the images below to find out more about our Waterers Artists and view their stories
Artist TEAM
Mickies Kiros, videographer and phtographer
Tiana LaPointe, videographer and mentor
Tomas Leal, photographer
TJ Lor, photographer
Kristine Sorensen, editor and mentor
Sai Thao, session leader and photographer
Kao Choua Vue, editor and translator
Layla Whipple. exhibit curator and workshop support
Pang Foua Xiong, interpreter and photographer
Exhibit images available for tour
Waterers Videos
The Waterers represents an important and ongoing partnership with the Capitol Region Watershed District. CRWD’s mission is to protect, manage and improve the water resources of Capitol Region Watershed District and Mississippi River.
We would also like to acknowledge the following for their support in replicating the model for The Waterers to other partner communities in the state and for supporting mentorship, production resources and studio access so projects like The Waterers can form and grow:
The Minnesota Humanities Center, The McKnight Foundation, The Metropolitan Regrional Arts Council, The Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation, The FR Bigelow Foundation, and the Minnesota State Arts Board.